Candy Frog is the only special candy that cannot be removed from the game. It can be matched with candies of the same color or combined with special candies but it doesn't disappear or fall like other candies.When one or more cascades are created, it stays in the position you left it, while candies will drop from both sides.
Candy Frog starts to grow with every match that is made with, and every special candy's effect that affects it, until it reaches the FROGTASTIC state. When this happens, the player can move the frog anywhere on the board. All he has to do is CLICK THE FROG and then CLICK ANOTHER SPACE.
The Candy Frog will then leap from its original spot to the selected spot, and as it lands it will create a candy explosion (like a Wrapped Candy) and will clear the surrounding candies by a 3X3 area. After that it will change color.
When you make a match of 4 candies and the frog is one of them, you'll have a striped frog. The same way, you'll have a wrapped frog when you match 5 or 6 candies in L or T shape, and a colored frog when you make a 5 match.
Candy Frog can be combined with special candies:
-Striped Candy: The striped is activated and the frog become striped.On the next match it will be set off like the striped it was switched with.
-Wrapped Candy: The wrapped is activated and the frog become wrapped.On the next match, it will explode like a wrapped candy, but only once.
-Color Bomb: The bomb will clear the candies of the frog's color and the frog will become brown.On the next match, it will act like a Color Bomb.
When the frog reaches the Frogtastic state, he cannot be combined with special candies and if it's part of 4 or more candies match, no special effect is triggered.If it's combined with a special candy, and this is the last move to the Frogtastic state, the special candy effect will be released immediately.
It may appear in Chocolate, Locked Chocolate, Liquorice Lock, Marmalade or Sugar Chests. The player can "feed" it only after the blocker it's removed.
If the Candy Frog is combined with a special candy, this frog does not count toward the required order. For example, if you combine Candy Frog and Striped Candy, the frog becomes striped. But this frog does not count towards the striped candy order, even though it has the same effect as a normal striped candy.