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Sugar Track

     The Sugar Track is a new feature in Candy Crush that gives you the opportunity to earn boosters and gold bars! All you have to do is to play Sugar Track levels to collect Sugar Drops.

     Sugar Drops can be found in levels you have yet to play and levels you’ve already played ! You’ll know a level contains a Sugar Drop as it will have a special ribbon around it with a “C” in the centre, when the feature is active.  

     When 5 or more matches are made in a single move, while playing a Sugar Drop level, one regular candy on the board will be transformed into a Sugar Drop. Cascades during Sugar Crush do not create Sugar Drops, however.
     To collect your Sugar Drop, simply match it like you would any other candy!All matched Sugar Drops go into the collection jar, located on the left side of the board.The number of candies collected is displayed on the jar.
     When you click on a Sugar Track level to play it, a progress bar is shown, indicating the number of Sugar Drops you have collected thus far, and the number needed for the next reward.

     On non-Sugar Track levels, the progress bar is shown, but it is grayed out.

      After you played a Sugar Track level and collected 24, 60, 84, 120 and 180 Sugar Drops, a gift box pops out, and instantly opens to show the boosters won.(In some devices total drops are up to 240 or even 600).
     On web version, players can earn double amount of drops if they pass the level.

     Once the final reward of the round has been won, the Sugar Drops feature is deactivated and there is a cooling off period of 8 hours. (In some devices, the period is of 4 or 12 hours). During this time, when the player clicks any level to play it, the sugar drops progress bar displays a timer indicating the amount of time remaining before the feature is reactivated. The cooling off period syncs between web version and mobile device (when connected to internet).

     If you have collected too many drops beyond the final reward, those drops will be kept for the next track, but only up to one less than the requirement of first reward.

        The best levels to collect Sugar Drops are:

       Other good Sugar Track levels are:

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