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Monday, October 2, 2017

Level 2816

   This is a level that seems easy at a first glance, but the present of the liquorice makes it very hard. Combos are easy to do here, and you activate one to remove the diagonal icings, up to 20 liquorice swirls will fall onto the board.
   If you have possible matches near the liquorice, make them and remove as many as you can. With only 4 colors on the board, you have good chances to make specials too in the lower part of the board. If you don't have possible matches, any special or combo is good to remove some liquorice, but wrapped candies are the best. A wrap/wrap combo is very good to clear jellies and liquorice, but the best combo is color bomb/wrap if you have target colors near the liquorice.
   There are also, 2 striped candy cannons in the corners that can help you clear some jellies, but they are blocked by locked liquorice and the stripes are the best specials to remove those locks. You should look for a color bomb/striped candy combo like I did in the video below, to remove the liquorice locks.
   It is possible that some of you have seen others videos on youtube, where other players clear all jellies pretty fast. Many of those videos are played on the old format, where a stripe can clear a liquorice and a jelly in one hit, unlike on the new format where a stripe clear only the liquorice but not the jelly. If you can play on that format too, good for you, but if you don't, you'll never pass this level doing the things that player did.
   Video below, good luck!

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